The Scammers fear us.
The Honest Support us.
The Heroic Join us.

From bottom to skyline 110% community controlled & driven!!

The Anonymous of Crypto. We are here to bring justice.

Built and operated from the ground up by a community.

NFT´s coming soon!

Anonymous of Crypto

Anonymous Crypto or ANONYM for short, wants to draw a line and change something in space!  Too many rats posing as the great messiah or devs and callers cheating other people! That’s the end of it! We are here to change the whole space!

What is the Eleanor Solution?

a decentralized web3 solution against fraud and for education based on blockchain technology.

The Eleanor directory is intended to help capture and track fraudsters forever in the blockchain. Certain algorithms that we will not reveal yet will ensure that scammers are no longer safe and consumers have a safe place to do their research.

Buy Fees 8%

4% Marketing
3% Auto LP
1% Reflection

Sell Fees 8%

4% Marketing
3% Auto LP
1% Reflection

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How to buy

ANONYM is purchasable via PancakeSwap, the leading DEX on BSC. Please bear the tax features in mind when buying/selling ANONYM.

The official contract address is:

You will need to update the slippage based on the tax %. Use the links below to get started.

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Partnership with solutions

What is the EleanorProtocol?

The EleanorProtocol is a set of tools designed to help both beginners and professionals on their way to a decentralized future. EleanorProtocol is a suite of tools for Blockchain users, from security to scaling and analytics and much more. 

The Cartel we want to Destroy!

We will expose these guys soon!


alpha calls

who is next